Monday, January 31, 2011

I Don't Wanna Grow Up-Swing Set Dreams

Every now and then I find time to think about the great wonders of my past. There is a -13 degree windchill and I'm trapped inside. Maybe I'm suffering from cabin fever or I could be having a moment of  clarity. Whether affliction or affection, I find myself smiling today. My setting is a playground and my mind has been taken over by a sweet 7 year old sweetie pie who has butterfies in her tummy and can't help but hog the swing. I've been told I'm immature. I should bite my words and refrain from saying every single thing on my mind. I stick my tongue out at my critics and na-na-nana boo boo all over their opinions. This is a good day for mind games and gummy bears. I wish my playground had a slide and the swing had teleporting abilities. I could swing myself where I really want to be. I would go. I would leave tomorrow. No question about it, just ask me great barer of butterflies and I would chuck up the deuces and be out! I miss the smell of overbleached hotel sheets and never worn Louis Vuitton loafers. They don't come like that in Denver. I need to teleport. Not quite the thoughts of a child but its cold and I'm all over the place.  I want things and I want them now! The teleporting swing, gummy bears and hotel sheets. I wish everyone knew him but I want to keep him to myself. Hey, I'm 7 in my head and I haven't learned to share. Don't  judge me.

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