Last year I started this off with a simple rant. It was the first year I realized exactly how an annoyingly strange cycle worked. But before I get started, I want to throw a little something out there. I love the opposite sex. I am not bitter or jealous or angry. I refuse to judge men that are set to wonder into my future by those that were booted to my past. I am looking forward to love whenever it graces my path. I pray for it. I wear my heart on my sleeve and a taser in my purse. Give me a reason to use my weapon of choice or invest in my happiness. Pick your poison but the last option tastes like honey and Pixie Stix.
So, today is the first day of the New Year. The perfect time to start anew. I lost count of the references I have read about New Years Resolutions. Promises made to not-do-this or to quit doing that. I never got around to making one BUT I will stick to my theme of 2010. No Exceptions. I say this only as a reminder to myself. I spent my first day of the new year re-reading my postings from the past. I was interupted by the chimes of text message alerts, emails and phone calls from guess whos? Blasts from the past. Now "blast" is a stretch. Maybe I should call them "simmers" or "tiny sparks?" Others should be referred to as "fireworks" since they only lasted as long as the Summer holiday. All they left behind was smoke. Guess they figured that would blind me for their wackness when January 1st rolled around.
These characters are really something. Not one invite for Thanksgiving. No surprise gifts for Christmas. Not an invite to a black-tie this or that for New Years Eve but New Years Day comes around and the phone is ringing. No flowers or gifts required. Number 1, no, I'll call him number 8 or 9. Number 1 is reserved for Mr. Wonderful and 8 or 9 isn't even close to great. He's regular like Mr. Pibb. No one goes out on a mission to buy it, but if its the last can left in the cooler, Mr. Pibb it is. Yes, we will call him Mr. Pibb. Anyway, Pibb came a calling. Wanting to know what I've been up to. Asking how my holidays were and what I did with my New Years Eve. I wanted to say, "I spent it NOT thinking of you, not even once not even almost" but then I would be a mean person. Maybe I should be mean for the New Year? Maybe he would get the point and THAT POINT is contageous and all the dummies get it like this horrible flu thats going around. Or maybe I will just post this on Facebook and pray that he's bright enough to know I am talking about him? Or maybe not. Hell, its not just him, my phone has been ringing all day. They are all resurfacing like roaches with deep voices and great cars. I'm over it. I really don't want to start this day on a sour note but he started it and I don't back down from insulting behavior. He started it. They started it. I'm finishing it and tattle-telling 3rd grade style. I wish I could put them in the corner and take away their toys. I would pawn them and buy shiny things and lip gloss.
I don't play games. I quit school because of recess.
Day 1 Act 2. Let's Go!
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